Why is it important to track and record leads generated from marketing expenditure?

12 June 2018

Marketing is an essential part of your business. It is the only way to maintain a steady workload. And subsequently, make your business profitable. Apart from repeat business from loyal clients. However, many businesses cannot see significant return on various channels. Which is why it is so important to keep track of all leads generated.

How can I work out how effective my marketing spend is for specific channels?

There are a number of questions that can be asked. To determine which methods are working best for a business owner. Concurrently, some of these may include:

  • How many leads is the channel generating monthly? Are your channels developing good ROI? If so, no further action may be necessary. However, it is useful to identify which ones aren’t working well. And these can be eliminated from your marketing strategy completely
  • Which channels are most effective at generating leads? It is important to choose channels that develop the most leads. Henceforth, choose channels that works best for your business
  • Which channels should I invest most in? Naturally, some channels work more effectively than others. Which makes it particularly worthwhile to invest more money in channels that generates more leads
  • Which channel provides most exposure to my target market? It is common sense to use a channel used widely by your target customers. Specifically, this ensures that your potential customers have more visibility of your business


What kind of problems can business owners experience?

If marketing isn’t correctly implemented, the results can be disastrous. Customers will not be reached. Your brand will not be visible in your industry. And markedly, your bottom line will suffer. Subsequently, you may be wondering what marketing issues are commonly experienced in businesses. And we have listed some below:

  • Not enough sales being generated
  • Lack of awareness in the industry and by other customers
  • Desire to grow the business but not knowing how
  • Lack of leads from marketing
  • General issues with strategy
How can Angelina Bell help with my businesses marketing?

Angelina Bell has worked with a number of businesses experiencing similar problems. Are you experiencing any of the issues mentioned above? Do you have specific issues with your marketing? Book a 45 minute chat with me today. And see how I can help your business with its marketing requirements.

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