
Great to work with, knowledgeable & a fantastic sounding board. Has a raft of tools at her fingertips & a brilliant network.
Challenges assumptions & helps you acknowledge your blind spots – we all have them.
A hugely positive experience for me personally and ultimately, of course, for the business.
Massive thumbs up! Highly recommended.

Allison Raper

co-owner – Teesdale Cheesemakers

Angelina’s business coaching is a much needed support and challenge for us. Her ability to ask the right questions really helps us unlock the challenges in our business. She is always so willing and helpful and is extremely generous with her time and contacts. There are no hidden agendas working with Angelina, she simply does all she can to help us to grow our business and be a success.

Ben and Hannah Evans

Cake Stories

Angelina has supported and helped me over the past year in growing my business. I required expertise in strengthening my management team, seeking funding for capital equipment and putting into place a consistent follow up strategy for keeping in touch with my customer base. Angelina has all of these skills which enabled me to put systems in place to ensure I fulfilled all of the above. Her fresh approach helped me look at the current business model and adapt it to the changing market place. I would highly recommend Angelina as a scale up coach and business mentor.

Jill Fountain

Managing Director, Digitalab

I have been fortunate to be able to work with Angelina for some coaching and mentoring, using the Scale up programme recently.
Although I am a Managing Director of a 26-year manufacturing business which has previously scaled, before our initial conversation, I had somehow lost my way and my confidence and was suffering from the impact Covid had on my business.
Angelina helped me very quickly to see the strengths and value in my business performance to date pre covid and the potential that was still there, given some support and encouragement.
The empathy and guidance she showed during our conversations were invaluable, coupled with a solid business and management knowledge. She is so easy to talk to and open-up to and has a clear understanding of the challenges many business leaders’ face.
I am really pleased that I have been able to work with her and am now starting to see “the light at the end of the tunnel”
She also opened-up valuable learning channels to me.

Juliette Brown

Managing Director Design Xpress

Working with Angelina has helped us consolidate our collective views as Directors and align our thinking to deliver an agreed action plan.

Lee Daymond

Director The Able Agent Ltd

As a new company Angelina has helped massively to guide us through working effectively as a board of 4 directors, so we can find the time to work on the business for the future, as well as in the business for success and growth now. She has been a first-class mentor, helping us see the bigger picture and how to achieve it. We trust and respect her advice and appreciate her support and challenge.

Helen Thompson

Director The Able Agent Ltd

“Angelina has been very supportive as a business coach/mentor, helping me and my fellow company director to focus on business strategy and gain clarity of vision for the future developments of the business.”

Gail Dalton-Ayres

Gail Dalton-Ayres

“I have learnt more from working with Angelina in the last 18 months than in my previous 17 years of being in business. This has aided me and the team to get through covid in a positive manner and still aim for growth and recruit new staff with the confidence of scaling into the future. No reservations at all in recommending Angelina and her vast experience.”

Angela Carney

Managing Director - Carney Consultancy Ltd

“We have been working with Angelina, and her clarity of purpose and wisdom are apparent from the get-go. She is happy to our challenge thinking, doing so with empathy and a shared sense of purpose”

Gill Burgess

Managing Director – r-evolution

“Angelina helped me see the wood from the trees during a hectic and challenging phase of growth. Angelina provides challenge, perspective and questions which strengthen my own insight and perspective with the areas in question. Angelina’s insight ranging from sales to culture is invaluable”

Mark Renney


I can’t recommend Angelina highly enough. She is a fantastic business coach and she has helped us enormously to develop personally and as a business. She has a great understanding of different personality types, how people think, work and interact with each other. This is helping us to support our staff in reaching their potential within our business. It enables us to work more effectively with our staff and to develop as managers. Angelina sees where the potential is within a business and helps you to work on the right areas to make your business the best it can be. She is incredibly supportive, intuitive and professional. We look forward to a continued relationship with Angelina as our business grows and develops.

Tracy Wilson


“I found my sessions with Angelina very useful. We worked on a personal plan to tackle some tricky work situations and obstacles, with regular reviews. New techniques were tried and fine-tuned. Angelina listened to what I had to say (she’s a very good listener) and gave constructive feedback and guidance where necessary. We worked through a reading list and I’ve changed the structure of my working day to include self-learning new ideas and techniques. We focussed some of the sessions on my recent change from manager to director. Not only do I feel a better manager at the end of the sessions than at the start, I can feel the continued growth into Director being easier, and can thank Angelina for this”.

Paul Bushnell

Director of Operations

I’ve been working with Angelina for over a year now and find the coaching very helpful. As a business coach Angelina helps me explore options and strategies that enable me to make better decisions. Angelina offers an outside perspective but has taken the time to understand our company and people. Angelina supports me by listening, prompting, questioning and guiding, helping make sense of often complex situations. Other members of our team who have been involved in group conversations, also speak very highly of Angelina’s professionalism, approach and clarity. Overall, I would thoroughly recommend Angelina as a business coach, whether you are looking to reach your full potential or need someone trustworthy and reliable to help with problem-solving.

Jack Symons

Founder/CEO Beanstalk

I have been working with Angelina for almost 2 years and I genuinely believe Talentheads would not have grown and scaled as quickly without her.  Her coaching, advice, support and advocacy has been instrumental in ensuring I lead with courage and conviction and Talentheads are well placed in reference to our industry and sector.  More recently, Angelina has been supporting my Leadership team which is bringing brilliant results.  Angelina has come into our business and has been part of our scaling journey.  I love our partnership!

 Sam Spoors

Founder and Managing Director

Chris Carroll is the owner of Middlesbrough based MGC Agency, a digital agency specialising in web and mobile app development as well as project management and sales. He was experiencing a number of obstacles within his business such as having to work excessively to achieve a number of different tasks, cash flow difficulties, problems with suppliers and inefficient project management. After contacting business coach Angelina Bell, a plan was quickly put into place to begin to make positive changes.

Since working with Angelina Bell, a number of improvements have been witnessed within MGC Agency. The poor cash flow has been eradicated and the business now enjoys a healthy amount of cash in the bank. This is partly thanks to the implementation of a new policy to request upfront payments from clients before commencing work. Additionally, the implementation of new software and the hiring of a new project manager has allowed the team to foster better relationships both internally and with clients. The quality of work produced by the team has also improved.

We began working with Angelina Bell to create a more sustainable business that could effectively sell our products. Angelina helped us to put key structures and procedures in place, along with appropriate identification of target markets.

The process has been well received so far, resulting in considerable improvements to turnover and also working structure. Angelina has been easy to work with and the sessions have been clear and concise with the focus on an action plan to work to, with clear goals and milestones to achieve.

I’d highly recommend Angelina to other ambitious business owners who are looking for someone to help them achieve their goals more quickly and to have a trusted advisor.

Chris Carroll


Business Coach

Many ambitious Small Businesses owners will reach a stage when growth becomes a hurdle they must overcome, and as a director of a small business I am no different. It was hugely important to me to get an external opinion on our business to be reassured that what we were doing was correct, and that our existing processes were contributing to our growth plans. Sometimes directors/owners of businesses get caught up in the day to day, and having Angelina alongside the business has allowed me to focus on running the business as opposed to being run by the business.

Whilst running our business, I have always made decisions based on my own personal experience and gut feel which has served us very well to date. But for growth, I always knew that we would need to seek external advice to make sure that growth was organic and ethical. Working with Angelina for the last few months has been a real learning curve, and what set her aside from other business coaches was that she really took the time to understand our business before committing to work with us. This gave us reassurance that she was confident that she could help.

Angelina has really ignited our company and we are already seeing the positive impact of having her external advice. I would recommend her to all business owners, successful or not, there is ALWAYS room for improvement and Angelina will help you to do this.

I am incredibly excited about what the future holds for Property Webmasters, and our clients should be too!’

Jamie Arthur


I was very skeptical about coaching whether it be business coaching or life coaching until I had the opportunity to work with Angelina.

Working with Angelina for the last 6 months has completely changed my perception of having a coach by experiencing the positives from our sessions and the benefits of an external pair of eyes. We have defined our core values and have a more cohesive vision for the company. Clear role definitions have been established with a better focus on how the business needs to grow. We have also made some staff changes which has resulted in a streamlined team that have a stronger sales focus.

I would recommend any business owner to have a chat with Angelina to see how she might be able to help you with your business.

Chris Reid

Director KCR Solutions

Angelina was brought in to help the Hunters team achieve their goals. We worked hard to develop a 1-page strategic plan which has brought the whole team into alignment with a strong understanding of how their individual roles play such an important part of the overall company objectives. Angelina led some brainstorming sessions with the whole team and the result was 6 fantastic Unique selling points and a guarantee which sets us apart from all of the other Estate Agents in our area. A sales script has been developed and the team are coming to grips with the new USP’s. The process has helped the team to bond and re-ignited passion into their everyday work. Things are looking up and the business is now 17% up on the 6 monthly target! wow that’s movement from 13% behind target to 17% up in 6 weeks.

I would recommend any business looking for an external set of eyes to input new ideas into your business to contact Angelina.

Thank you for your help and expert eye over the last couple of months. I do believe it has been beneficial in bringing the team together and establishing an aim/goal for the business. The USPs will take time, but I am pleased we have them to refer to. I will definitely be in touch should we need your help in the future.
Thanks again


Hunters Tesside

Angelina has made a demonstrable positive impact upon my business, in a short time!

I met with Angelina to agree a tailored package of business development support, of which she was flexible and worked around my business needs. We then worked together to bring out some quantifiable USPs, that have since been turned into very clear service guarantees for landlord customers. She also gave advice and help on producing sales scripts for staff.

Angelina helped get all of the knowledge and practice from inside my head onto paper, which we could then articulate easily to customers. This in turn helps us gain more sales to grow our business.I would highly recommend Angelina to busy business owners!

Carla Keegans

DirectorThe Ethical Lettings Agency

We partnered with Angelina to conduct a review of our business processes and to work towards a strategy for 2017.

During that time, I met on a regular basis and Angelina kept a strong focus towards our goals. Management training was also carried out for my managers focusing on time management, improving productivity and creating a strategic plan for each individual.

We have implemented the plans into our 2017 business plan and with increased focus our staff have improved their productivity. Goals are being focused on and achieved and during our working relationship we created and implemented a Company Protocol to ensure delivery of outstanding customer service.

I would not hesitate to recommend Angelina to any business requiring a guiding hand. Her input has helped the management team focus on achieving something special in 2017.

John Newhouse

Managing Director

Hi Angelina,

Thank you for your email and the offer of support for the attendees of yesterday’s Masterclass. Everyone that I have chatted with has spoken highly of your presentation. If any of the businesses that I come across would benefit from engaging with you on a formal basis I will not hesitate to recommend you.

Kind regards,

Mark Johnston

Reflections on 1 – 1 coaching sessions

It has been great to receive an outside view on my business as it is easy to get wrapped up in it. Angelina is great at what she does and has positively influenced some decisions that could have been made short-sighted. She has helped me to see the value of myself and the fact I need nobody else to confirm that value but me.

Steven Clements

Architectural Managing Director Clements Design Visual Ltd

Struggling to grow the business by myself, I was looking for direction and someone to bounce ideas off and advise. Angelina is a genuine person who wants to help you and your business succeed.

Very committed to helping her customers, practical worksheets and books are provided to back up everything that she says. Angelina has helped build my confidence and I am more organised. I always have a structured lists of planned things to do each day and I am more focused on what is required to bring in additional sales.

Angelina will support you to grow your business and increase your profits by working with you in a helpful, patient and constructive way. She has a lot of useful and helpful information that will help you improve your business and I’m currently recruiting an additional staff member.


Reflections on 1-1 coaching sessions

The sessions have been enjoyable and certainly beneficial. Adequate time has been provided throughout and advice has helped generate a clearer focus on my businesses, something I have been lacking.

Resources and advice provided have aided Strategic Planning, Time Management as well as Financial Analysis, these have proven very useful in assisting my search for clarity and I’m certain they’ll again prove useful for future needs.

Overall, the sessions have helped me drill down on best opportunities, as I was juggling several at the start. I feel this new focus has set me on my way to putting in place a strong platform for the business to grow.

Dave Roberts

Managing DirectorX-Cel Broadcast

I have been working with Angelina as my business coach for the last 18 months and the improvements that have been made in my business are huge. Profitability is up 25% and I have learned how to focus on my business rather than been stuck on the hamster wheel and been a busy fool. 18 months ago the business was running me and I was working a ridiculous number of hours leaving very little time to do the important things in life. I was doing all the measuring and fitting of the blinds, doing a lot of admin and also helping out with manufacturing. It was almost impossible for me to have time off work or to think about growing the business in a structured way.

The last 18 months has taught me how to delegate more effectively and how to recruit the right people into the business who share the same values as I do. The team has grown from two full time and one part time to five full time staff members of staff and I have reduced my working hours per week by at least 15 hours per week allowing me to spend more time with my family.

Angelina is always available for support and our meetings are very focused on what we need to do next to move the business forward.

I have just acquired a new business as part of my expansion plans and plan to retain the original staff and employ two more people imminently. Angelina has helped me to grow out of the role of a “technician” and into the role of a managing director. I feel excited about the future growth of the business and whilst there is still more work to do I’m much more confident and happy than I was 18 months ago.

Chris Bulmer

Director - Blinds 2000 Chris Bulmer Limited

Hi AngelinaI would like to say thank you for your help so far. Working with you has certainly helped me to focus on the top priorities in my business.

I was stumbling from one crisis to another and you have helped me to identify where I need to change and also what skills I need to develop to help me grow my business. The weekly coaching sessions have given me food for thought! You have given me support more than anything and made me believe in myself. You have been very encouraging and made me realise that nothing is impossible. When things do go wrong, I can remain focused and have learned to think in a different direction with a more positive mind-set.

Thank you for your help so far Angelina and I look forward to our forthcoming sessions.


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