The challenge of maintaining high levels of performance in a continually stretched SME management team can confound and frustrate even the most agile business owner. In reality, performance improvement in any environment is hard to achieve.

This is why high-performance people and businesses, from Jessica Ennis-Hill to Eric Schmidt, understand the game-changing benefits that can be gained from using an experienced, expert and objective coach.

To address the needs of growth-focused SMEs, I provide insightful, results-driven business coaching that delivers long-standing benefits and a reassuringly high ROI.

“Profitability is up 25%, and I have learned how to focus on my business rather than being stuck on the hamster wheel.” Chris Bulmer, MD, Blinds 2000 (UK) on Angelina Bell.

Plenty of great testimonials are available on my testimonials page.

As a business growth coach focused on uk sme’s, my approach is always relevant and accessible because it is built on my clients’ business needs and ambitions.

The output from my business coaching reduces workload, increases productivity and drives profitability. This is achieved using tried and tested tools that facilitate the identification of key business insights.

With a focus on personal and business challenges I use a ‘One Page’, SME action -orientated execution business plan, to give my clients the confidence and focus to get things done.

Because I am driven by financial results, I work hard on the numbers: setting targets and reviewing performance analysis to enable financial control that eases cash flow and increases profitability.

Increased productivity centred around personal KPI’s, leadership and job matrices is always a focal point for my business growth coaching. This naturally expands into work on mindset and work-life balance targets that ultimately results in a better quality of life for the owner and senior team.

Unlock the full potential of your business with professional business coaching. Book a FREE 45 minute business review. Email me now at

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