Why Are USPs and guarantees so important for my business?

05 June 2018

It is without a doubt that there are so many businesses out there that offer almost the same product or service. As a result, you can only attract custom if you present it correctly at the right time. As well as offering something that your competitors do not offer. As a result, it is essential that you inform customers about your product and service. Which should be completely unique.

Unique selling points (USP) describe how your business is unique & perfectly suited to your target customers. Ultimately, USPs describe something that customers cannot find anywhere else.

It is common for business owners to face a number of difficulties when determining USPs for their business. For example:

  • How do I find clients that can afford to do business with me?
  • How do I charge appropriate prices for products/services offered?
  • How do I deal with competitors removing business from my path?

Thankfully in this post, we have provided some practical tips to help you develop USPs for your business.

Why is it important to develop a USP?

In the present day, the competition offered through on-line shopping and search engines makes it even more difficult to stand out. For businesses that have a global presence, it is essential to beat the competition by outlining what is unique about your business. This can be achieved partly by looking at what your competitors are doing in terms of marketing and offers. USPs explain your brands advantages in a clear way. Indicating how you are different from your competitors. Using your USPs while designing your marketing can ultimately ensure that campaigns are aligned.

How can my brand use USPs to stand up from competition?

USPs not only indicate physical product information to your customers, they also indicate benefits. For example, the Ford brand is one of the oldest car manufacturers in the world. So an individual looking for a reliable vehicle may choose this brand.

I would like to develop some USPs for my business. What kinds of questions to I need to ask myself?
  • What are the top 3 things you do that customers love that your competitors don’t do?
  • What type of strategy are you deploying to reach your target market?
  • What makes you unique?
  • If I was looking for the service you offer, how would I know about you?
How can I obtain some practical advice on how to develop USPs for my business?

Book a 45 minute chat with me today. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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