How can I develop a highly performing sales team?

19 June 2018

There are many businesses out there that rely on a strong sales team. Including utility services, holiday providers and insurance companies to name a few. Yet, problems within these teams can be common. Sales may be poor. And specifically, members of your team may not be performing to the required standard. Which can affect your company’s reputation and profits.

What technology can I introduce into my business to better improve the performance of my sales team?

Thankfully, if you are experiencing problems with your sales teams, there are a number of practical solutions which are relatively affordable and easy to implement. These include:

The creation of sales scripts. Sales scripts have the advantage of informing your sales staff how to talk to customers, providing intricate details that could otherwise be missed about your products or services. Moreover, they encourage staff to speak in a style and tone that aligns with your company. And they help staff to structure the conversation in a logical manner.

call centre

The introduction of a CRM system. A good CRM system can help measure your staff activities. It is a no brainer within a sales environment. As it allows staff to track when a customer has made contact, what comments they have made about the service, and which staff members have dealt with them. By using a good CRM, you can help increase efficiency and customer service. Which provides a better customer experience. And can help retain customers, as well as potentially gain new ones.

Is your companies sales team experiencing poor performance? Do you require help bouncing back?

I can help businesses experiencing poor performance within their sales team. I achieve this by asking a number of questions about ways in which the business is being ran. Such questions may include:

  • What percent of leads do you convert? – If your business is not converting enough leads, I can explore why
  • How do you know how well your sales people are performing? – Poorly performing salespeople may not be difficult to identify. I can work with your team, assess their performance and put actions into place for improvement where necessary
  • What are the most common objections you encounter?
  • How do you overcome them?

If you are interested in how I can help your business, book a 45 chat with me. I look forward to working with you in the future.

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