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06 June 2020

How business leaders are protecting people and profits during Covid 19

As recent weeks have demonstrated, the Covid-19 pandemic has proven to be so much more than a physical health issue, but one that is adding mounting pressure to the economy and businesses at large.  This alone is challenging enough but add to that the growing mental health concerns facing business leaders and their employees...

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10 April 2019

Your Business Is Scaling: What 5 Things You Need To Know Now.

When it comes to growing your business, there are a number of common challenges faced. You thought the hard part was over once you established your business, but scaling brings new challenges and different dynamics that the owners and directors of the business need to deal with. First, What Are Scale Up Businesses? Simply...

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27 March 2019

How To Strengthen The 4 Pillars Of Leadership

4 Pillars Of Leadership. Great leadership is the backbone of every successful business. The 4 pillars of leadership refer to the essential qualities you should aim to develop to be an exemplary business leader. Strengthening these areas of leadership: learning, responsibility, vision and communication will enable you to drive your team and business forward....

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13 March 2019

Business Coach vs. Business Consultant. Which Should You Invest In?

What does a business coach do? A business coach helps a business grow over a long-term arrangement. Coaches possess diverse skills and work closely with a business owner to provide guidance in multiple areas. They aim to bring out the best in you, your team and your business. Business coaches are effective in identifying...

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20 February 2019

Way Too Busy To Learn? Here’s Why It’s Crucial To Make the Time In 2019.

Most industries develop and change at an alarming rate. The only way to keep up is to engage in further learning and education. Nevertheless, some business owners still believe they know it all, not updating their knowledge, until sadly, their business falls apart as a result of not keeping up. First, a mini quiz....

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13 February 2019

The World’s Best Business Action Plan: A Guide To Reclaro.

What is Reclaro? Achieving poor results within a business is a surprisingly common issue. Yet many senior managers find it difficult to put their finger on why this might be, whilst feeling frustrated that their business is not moving in the direction they were hoping. In many cases, the actual reason why a business...

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21 December 2018

Chris Carroll, owner of MGC agency utilises services of business coach Angelina Bell to help drive his business forward

Chris Carroll is the owner of Middlesbrough based MGC Agency, a digital agency specialising in web and mobile app development as well as project management and sales. He was experiencing a number of obstacles within his business. Such as having to work excessively to achieve a number of different tasks. As well as cash...

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19 December 2018

How can I make 2019 the best year yet for my business?

You might think that the setting of new years resolutions is far too early. However, the reality is that 2019 is only around the corner and so now is the time to be action planning! Here are four areas to consider: Ways to become more organised How to free up more time Methods to...

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13 December 2018

How can I successfully implement change within my business?

Henry Ford once said: “If you always do what you’ve always done you’ll always get what you’ve always got”. This famous phrase reveals a lot about the subject of business change. Specifically that if a business owner is not willing to invest in changes to their company, you cannot expect much in return. In...

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05 December 2018

The importance of a growth mindset for future business growth

It is usually the case that businesses owners with a growth mindset experience highest levels of success. A growth mindset is the combination of certain attitudes and behaviours that enable individual talent to be furthered and is inherent in every employee. Business leaders that have a strong growth mindset usually see the advantages of...

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26 November 2018

6 Glaring Signs That Indicate You Need A Business Coach

As someone who is setting up or running your own business, you may have the opinion that you know everything needed to be successful within your sector and might not feel you need help from a business coach. Nevertheless, even the most talented of individuals may benefit from some leadership coaching along the way....

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21 November 2018

The Only Business Advice To Fail Is – Not Taking Risk

Every business person will have to deal with some element of risky behaviour in their career at some point. As a result, a business owner can either choose to follow this through and potentially experience great success. Or avoid this entirely and miss out big time! So if you are a business owner currently...

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