Chris Carroll, owner of MGC agency utilises services of business coach Angelina Bell to help drive his business forward

21 December 2018

Chris Carroll is the owner of Middlesbrough based MGC Agency, a digital agency specialising in web and mobile app development as well as project management and sales. He was experiencing a number of obstacles within his business. Such as having to work excessively to achieve a number of different tasks. As well as cash flow difficulties, problems with suppliers and inefficient project management. Shortly after Chris made contact, Angelina swiftly put a plan of action in place.

Since working with Angelina Bell, a number of improvements have been witnessed within MGC Agency. The poor cash flow has been eradicated and the business now enjoys a healthy amount of cash in the bank. Partly thanks to the implementation of a new policy. To request upfront payments from clients before work begins. Additionally, the implementation of new software and the hiring of a new project manager has allowed the team to foster better relationships both internally and with clients. The quality of work produced by the team has also improved.

We began working with Angelina Bell to create a more sustainable business that could effectively sell our products. Angelina helped us to put key structures and procedures in place, along with appropriate identification of target markets.

Improvements seen so far include better turnover and work structure. Angelina has been easy to work with. The sessions have been clear and concise with the focus on an action plan to work to. With clear goals and milestones to achieve.

I’d highly recommend Angelina to other ambitious business owners who are looking for someone to help them achieve their goals more quickly and to have a trusted advisor.

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