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27 January 2017

Make 2017 Your Best Year Yet!

Hi, I’m Angelina Bell

As the founder of Active Business Coach I know only too well the joys and pain of running businesses with 25 years as a successful business executive.

January has got off to a flying start with my clients putting some solid goals in place for 2017. The New Year brings fresh challenges and an opportunity to develop a written strategic plan clarifying the vision, mission, and values of the team. It’s a good time to set annual and quarterly financial targets, with strategic objectives to be monitored weekly by managers and updated with input from all team members on a minimum of a quarterly basis.

It’s not about setting New Year’s Resolutions that last a few weeks, it’s about developing and learning all the time to make simple but ever lasting changes.

One of the most common phrases I hear on a regular basis is “I know that I should be doing some of these things but I just don’t have time to do them”. I help people to find the time they need to grow their business by implementing an effective time study plan to identify where time can be utilised more productively. I also factor in time for “time out and breaks” as this increases the level of productivity.

I have delivered 1-1 coaching and group sessions to encourage people to aim high in 2017. Productivity is all about efficiency – doing more, faster and with less.
I love guiding people towards their dreams with some very simple yet effective methodologies that have worked for me and most of the very successful business leaders in the world today.

That’s why I am making it my mission to share my industry and business knowledge in an impeccably professional manner to help as many other business owners and managers in the region as possible.

I want to help enthusiastic, determined business owners who want to increase their profits, find the right solution to build the business of their dreams, make more money and have more time to do fun things that they enjoy.

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