Business & Leadership Coaching

My name is Angelina Bell and I love helping people to grow their businesses
by being the best leaders they can be.

What can I do for you

  • Well, first — I am very good at what I do
  • Executive coaching, business coaching, team dynamix support, personality trait profiling, OKR's, leadership development, improvement communication, clarity on strategy and how to execute it, support with your customer value proposition.
  • Types of projects can vary and I am happy to discuss your individual business and help you to decide on what would help you the most.

Why me

  • I have built and scaled several businesses of my own and others - I am here to help you
  • I am a results driven business coach
  • I'm qualified (ILM Leve17) and also highly experienced
  • I help you to get the results that you are aiming for
  • I help you to develop yourself as a leader, gaining clarity and confidence to take your business to the next level

What outcome can I expect?

  • Clarity, confidence, improved leadership skills, improved profits, better team spirits, more customers.
Here are 8 main
services that I offer...
Business Coaching

A whole business review of where you are now and where you want to be. Followed by regular coaching sessions to help you achieve your goals. Covering strategy, sales, USP, employee plan, finance, tactical marketing, tirne management, exit planning, psychometric profiling, team meeting rhythm. The purpose of business coaching is for you to have access to a sounding board, confidant, and accountability partner. Someone to support, guide and challenge you. To help you increase the profits in your business and keep you feeling "in control" of your business

Senior Executive Coaching

1-1 coaching for CEO's, M D's, business owners and members of the leadersh ip team.

The purpose of coaching is to provide a confidential space, where you can discuss challenges, be challenged, and overcome barriers. Coaching at this level can lead to transformational outcomes, for the individual and the organisation.

These are typically 90-minute sessions.
Leadership Team Strategy Day

Introducing a globally recognised, highly effective 1 page strategic planning tool. Detailed in the Scaling up book by Verne Harnish. Gather all the members of your senior leadership team together for a well facilitated, focused and engaging session. The purpose - A full day working on the business, to develop a one page plan that sets the vision, mission, and values of your company, long and short-term goals, and KPI's to measure progress so that your team moves together as one.

Setting Objectives & Key Results

A half-day session which is fun and engaging - designed to develop clear OKR's for the business and individuals. The purpose of this session is to develop a simple, effective I-page focused action plan that clears the decks and gets you working on the right tasks to drive the best results for your business.

Personality Trait Profiling - Heightened Self-Awareness

The iS personality trait tool helps to create a greater self-awareness for any CEO, MD, and members of the Senior Leadership Team. Each leader would complete their own i3 personality assessment and receive an individual one on one feedback session.

The purpose is an increasing awareness oftheir own instinctive strengths and behaviour traits relative to their environment, role responsibilities and the people around them. Each leader will receive their own individual reports summarising natural strengths, cautions, partnering and development opportunities.

Each feedback session is approx. 90-minutes.
Team Dynamix Session - Heightened Social Awareness

Following individual self-awareness sessions, team workshops can then be delivered.

A team workshop where the differences and similarities of team members will be identified and then discussed. The purpose is a greater social awareness leading to positive integration, improved communication, and social confidence, leading to a more prcductive and cohesive team environment From the results there Will be an agreed action plan and focus. A team report summarising natural strengths, cautions, partnering, and development opportunities linked to predefined objectives.

These sessions are usually half a day.
Leadership Development Sessions

Our bespoke leadership development programmes fccus on developing strategic leadership capability but providing vision and direction, creatine meaning to connect the strategy to business delivery, positively inmpactine leadership and talent pipelines and leadership expectations at the organisational level.
We develop the capability to create high performance environments and teams, capitalise on individual talent, lead change and remain resilient

Usually delivered over 4 x 3 hour sessions - designed to be short, practical and immediately impactful on the leadership role.
Management Development Sessions

Our bespoke management development sessions focus on defining the role of a manager, identifying and practicing key skills required to manage others effectively. An intr±uction to implement performance management tools, improve personal and team communication- We identify individual management styles and how to get the best out of people by understanding people's motivation drivers- With improved time management, prioritisation skills and effective delegation, managers will be more confident and effectives in their role.


Learn how to unlock your success potential

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